Serving Sara Answers
1. What is Joe Tylers job in this movie?
a. Process Server
2. What is Joes secret hobby?
b. Wine making - and its not very good wine at that.
3. Sara Moore offers Joe what amount to help her serve her husband the papers instead of her?
d. One million!
4. Bruce Campbell plays the husband, Gordon, but what horror movie series is he better known for?
b. Evil dead (that includes Army of Darkness!)!
5. True or False, Bruce Campbell appeared on Friends as Chandlers father. False!Chandlers father appeared before this movie came out, and Kathleen Turner filled that role.
6. Joe got into a strange spot with an animal in this movie. Without going into detail, what kind of animal was it?
c. Cattle - a bull.
7. Vincent Pastore is also on a hit series, what one?
b. Sopranos! The answer is the sopranos but this could be considered a trick question because Pastore was on the Practice for the last episodes of its run, so he wasnt a regular like he was on the Sopranos. Besides some people consider the Practice to be less than a hit at this point anyway
Score? What score? If you got a lot, feel good about yourself. If not, well you can always watch the movie again. Just fast forward the bull scene, lol!
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