The Almost Heroes Quiz
1. Who is Matthews Co-star
A. David Spade
B. Chris Farley
C. Matt LeBlanc
2. Who directed this movie?
A. James Cameron
B. Dean Devlon
C. Christopher Guest
3. Who is who in this movie?
A. Perry is Edwards and Farley is Hunt
B. Perry is Hunt and Farley is Edwards
c. None of the above, they were no name extras
4. How did the Edwards and Hunt meet?
A. Through a mutual friend
B. At a hanging, Hunts actually
C. On the road somewhere
5. Why does Edwards want to beat Lewis and Clark
to the west coast?
A. Nothing better to do
B. He has relatives out there.
C. Fame and fortune for being the first to see
the Pacific ocean
6. Edwards and Hunt want to go west, but
most of their traveling party wants to go to...
A. New Orleans - Party Time!
B. Boston - Clam chowder and baked beans time!
C. Home - No one was ambitious enough
7. Who plays Hidalgo the conquistador obsessed with his hair?
A. Eugene Levy
B. Kevin Dunn
C. Matthew Perry
8. At the same reststop where we meet Hidalgo what does Hunt do to stop said conquistador from taking one of them hostage?
A. Challenges him to a drinking contest
B. Bribe
C. Clobbers him
9. Do our heroes make it to the west coast?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Maybe
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