1. Who are Matthews Co Stars in this movie?
B. Neve Campbell and Dylan McDermott

2. Tell me about the plot
C. Wealthy archtitect guy hires who he thinks is his gay co worker to keep an eye on his mistress

3. Amys hobby is
A. Glassblowing

4. Who is actually gay in this movie?
A. Oliver Platt

5. True or False - Dylan McDermott is a lawyer on Emmy winning "LA Law". - False McDermott is on Emmy winning "The Practice"

6. Courteney Cox has co-starred with this Three to tango castmate in another movie.
C. Neve Campbell - In the popular Scream Trilogy

7. What award is Oscar (MP) given?
B. Gay Man Of The Year

8. Which character said this quote, "I haven't done anything or anyone to deserve this."
C. Oscar

9. Okay so Oscar and Peter are partners, but what is their profession?
C. Architects

10. Does Our Oscar get the girl?
A. Yes. - but also C would have been right. It would not have been a good movie if our hero lost.

All TEN - I guess you got the dvd too! Good Job
10-7- Still good.
7-4 - Okay but its been a while since you saw it.
4-1 - So-so, like most of us you were looking at the cute guy right?
0-1 - Were you awake in this movie?

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