Beyond Friends Episode Sixty Four "Kiss The Rain"

Friends Guest
David Schwimmer

Special Guest
Ben Affleck as rescue guy


Chandler was settled down in his easy chair in the living room. He had just gotten back from yet another disasterous blind date that Wesley had set him up on. He was watching tv and talking to Monica on the phone about the whole dreadful experience.
"She couldn't have been that bad." Monica said.
"Mon, she flossed her teeth at the table!" Chandler said a he flipped through the channels. "And something big and stringy fell out on the table. She looked at and said I didn't order that for dinner."
"Oh my god!"
"You're telling me?" Chandler asked. "I had to look at it for the rest of dinner AND dessert cause she didn't have the sense to put it in a napkin." He noted knowing that would rub Monicas complusively clean nature the wrong way. "Thats not even the worst part."
"Theres more?" Monica said switching the phone from one hand to another.
"Yes, theres more. This is me we're talking here. There is ALWAYS more."
"Do tell."
"She laughed like a chihuahua!"
"So? Its not the first time you dated someone with a strange laugh. Remember Janice? Her laugh was like fingernails scraping a chalkboard." Monica pointed out.
"Oh yeah, how can I forget that?" Chandler said visibly cringing. "I gotta go."
"All right see you later." Monica said hanging up.

Chandler hung up his end of the phone and resumed his channel flipping. He paused near the Weather Channel where they were talking about a hurricane in the islands just off the florida keys. It was called Hurricane Emily.
Chandler wasnt really paying attention when they were talking about it. He was just about to drowse off to sleep when a name caught his attention. Sao Paolo.
"Sao Paolo?" He said turning the volume on the tv up.
"Isn't that where Ross and Rachel are?" He said alarmed.
"The storm has the small island pretty hard. All occupants were evacuated before the brunt of the storm hit the island. Hopefully all are safe and are accounted for. There were some safety areas just in case some people didn't make it off. Hopefully anyone left behind surely must have found them." Chandler watched a newscaster read a bulletin.
"Oh please, be off the island." Chandler thought to himself.
"We've just recieved another bulletin." The weather guy said. "The Hurricanes been downgraded to a tropical depression. It can't be explained on how it downgraded so suddenly and so quickly but it seems though all the island will get is a few pesky rain showers. We'll have storm footage hopefully later on."
Chandler switched the tv off and stood. "At least they're ok. Its not like I could have done anything anyway."

Sao Paolo

Rachel and Ross sat on the floor. They kept watching the front door to the bomb shelter they were in, as if they kept expecting the storm to bust through the steel door at any minute. After about half an hour they allowed each other to relax and sit on the two beds that the bomb shelter provided.
"So." Ross said looking at Rachel. "How have you been lately?" He asked her. Rachel burst out laughing. He laughed along with her till his sides hurt.
"Oh my." Rachel said. "It's gotten really quiet out there."
"We could be sitting in the eye of the storm, you know." Ross said. "We better check the radio." He said going to the desk that the radio sat on.
"I hope its over." Rachel said. "I really hate rain."
Ross had to re-tune in the radio. The news station they had listened to for news had come in and out of static- like stages. He kept twisting the knob until the station was as clear asit could be.
"This should be it." He said quietly.
"No more news yet on the now downgraded Hurricane Emily. Its been downgraded to a tropical depression." The radio reported.
"Oh my god." Rachel said just about to break out into a grin. "Its gonna be all right..."
"But that doesn't mean that it can't always go back up to being a hurricane." Ross said. "We better stay in here just in case something else happens." Ross said. He sat down next to her. He put his hands on her shoulders. "So far this is our best bet. Some honey moon, eh?"
"It's better than nothing. At least I'm with you." Rachel reasoned.
"We better get some sleep." Ross pulled back the covers. "The beds only big enough for you." He said as Rachel climbed in. He tucked her in. "Don't worry, I'll be right here in case you need anything."
"Don't blow away on me ok?" Rachel said. "I'm too cute to be a widow."
"Go to sleep." He said closing her eyes for her.


Rachel heard some pounding at the door. She rolled over and opened her eyes. It was dark in the shelter now. The candles Ross had lit must have blown out, or burned out somehow. She sat up in the dark.
"Ross!" She said loudly.
"What?" He muttered.
"Someones at the door." She said.
"Must be the milkman." He said obviously still asleep.
"Doh." Rachel said. She stood up uneasily in the dark and went over to Ross's bed. She sat on the bed and tried to wake him up.
"Ross. Somethings trying to get through the door." She said fumbling around. She picked up something heavy. She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered that it was a flashlight. She turned it on as the door popped open.
"Hello? Anyone in here?" A male voice at the door said.
"Yes!" Rachel said. "We're in here!"
Ross woke up and sat up in the bed. "We're being rescued." He said happily.
"Bout time you woke up." Rachel said. Rachel and Ross went to the door. There was a young man waiting for them there.
"I'm with the Red Cross Rescue squad." He said. "The mayor of Sao Paolo thought he had everyone of the island but of course he forget to check the hotels. Its the off season, he thought no one would be here."
"Ah," Rachel said. "What happens now?"
"Theres just a few rain showers out right now." The man explained. "So we'll chopper you to the mainland."
"Wait." Rachel said. "What about our stuff?"
"Where was your hotel?"
"We were in the Shoreside Cabanas." Ross said.
"Oh, theres no reason to go back there." He said. "The cabanas were completely wiped out."
"All my stuff was in there." Rachel said. "Well its not like I don't have a copy of it in back in my closet but still, that was my favorite clothes."
"You ready to go folks? I'll drive you to the chopper. We can be on the mainland before the day is over." The man said.
Ross and Rachel climbed in the back of his hum-vee.
"Wow, this was some vacation." Rachel said.
"Yeah." Ross said. "This is not gonna be some kind of thing you'll want to do again in ten years, is it?"
"Well maybe without the hurricane, sure." Rachel said.
"I can hardly wait to get back." Ross said. "Unless mom and dad blabbed, everyone will be the first to know the good news."

New York

Chandler woke from his small nap. He went out to the living room. He was getting a drink of water when Monica came in.
"Chandler!" She said breathlessly.
"Its me allright." He said.
"Didn't you hear the news?" She asked.
"What news?"