Beyond Friends Episode 110 "So Weird"

The Usual Suspects

"Is she really going out with him?"

Lisa Kudrow as Phoebe
Bill Murray as Steven Bing
Teri Garr as Pheobe Sr

"Come on babe." Chandler said taking Rachels hand as they walked through the restaurant.
"What are we doing here? We can get a new house with the money we'll use eating here. This is the most expensive spot on town!" Rachel protested as the waiter showed them to their seat. She looked around. The restaurant patrons all looked very snooty. Some had their noses so high in the air, it was a miracle they managed to eat at all.
"I know, why do you think I chose it?" Chandler asked.
"Cause McDonalds isnt running that barbie special anymore?" Rachel asked.
Chandler had been buying a lot of happy meals lately to get the Barbie toys they offered. He always got duplicates and gave them to both Pheobe and Alison, who seemed to be due any minute now.
"Oh no." Chandler said. "It only ended quickly cause I found out you can buy the Barbies by the box." Chandler pulled out her seat for her. "Oh no, tonight is a night for fun."
"Really?" Rachel asked.
"Wesley and I are doing pretty good. Most of the clients that we had in the old place came with us. That surprised us, now we don't have to start from scratch." He said.
"You had clients?" Rachel asked.
"Well returning people anyway." He said. "So tonight is a treat. We don't have to worry about anything anymore." Chandler said happily.
"That's great." Rachel said. "At least in the New Year we won't worry about looking for a new place!"
"I know." Chandler said. "Get ready to order, and dont forget: you can get whatever you want." He smiled and touched her hand.

The next day

Chandler and Rachel went over to Phoebes. Rachel knocked on the door and she was greeted by Phoebe with a pot in her hand.
"Come on in. I was just making dinner." She said.
"I knew I smelled something." Chandler said.
"The twins won't eat that food for their age group, so I had to figure out somethihg they would eat." Phoebe explained. "So far they like this soup stuff that I found in Parents magazine. It smells like nothing I've ever eaten before, but if they kids will eat it."
"How was your mom?" Chandler asked.
"Thats funny you bring her up." Phoebe said as her girls ate. "When I went upstate, no one was there."
"Why is that strange?" Rachel asked.
"I am her only other living relative. Well if you count Frank Jr, but not really." Phoebe said. "I called her the other day and she said she went to her new boyfriends place."
"Boyfriend?" Rachel asked. "Pheebs, its great that your mom is seeing someone."
"I know. But she would not tell me a thing about him. I even started to think that theres no boyfriend at all." Phoebe said. "Made up like, you know." She said wiping some stuff off Jamies face. "So she knew that from what I was saying, I didn't believe her. So I'm going to meet him tonight."
"When?" Chandler asked.
"Around 6-7." Phoebe said.
"Are you nervous?" Rachel said. "I mean if it all goes well, this could be the guy you're calling dad."
"I have a dad!"
"Yeah, but you only saw him at your grandmothers funeral years ago." Chandler said. "And that was the first time you ever met him."
"I know, I was there!" She said exasperated. "Another thing. I need a favor?" "Sure, honey, what?" Rachel asked.
"I need you to come with me." Phoebe said.
"Why?" Rachel asked.
"I am nervous. I can't go there alone, the negative auras I'm getting just from the idea are overpowering me!" She said. She rose and lit a blue candle on the wall. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. She smiled. All better.
"Why did you agree to it if you felt this way about it?" Rachel asked.
"I want to know, and I don't want to know. You know?" She waved her hands. "Okay, I will get Joey to babysit. He and Greta have been dying to for a month now." Phoebe said. "Please come with me! I won't ever ask for anything more." She smiled.
"Okay." Chandler said. "We'll be there."
"Cool!" Phoebe said. Rachel touched her hand.
"We'll support you if we can." Rachel said. "Should we like pick you up?"
"It would be better if we met at the retaurant. El Gantinos. It's a mexican joint that my mom fell in love with when she visits me here. On 34th street. Mom and 'guy' want to see a musical. Thats why its so close to broadway."
"Sounds like an evening to remember." Chandler promised.

El Gantinos

Rachel and Chandler pulled up to the resturant.
"Looks like this is the place." Chandler said.
"It better be, there were at least three restaurants that looked like this place." Rachel said.
"We're in the spanish district. Everything looks the same to someone whos never been here before." Chandler noted. "Plus we're at the right place now. Phoebe is over there waving to us."
"Lets go on over then." Rachel said.
They got out of the car and Phoebe met them halfway.
"Why are you so late?"
"We got lost." Rachel said as they entered the restuarant.
"He's here." Phoebe said. "The guy my mom is seeing."
"Where is he?" Chandler asked.
"Right over there. See my mom?"
Chandler looked over to see where Pheobes mom was. He had only seen he once but instantly recognized her. She was just like her daughter. The man who was with her was even more familiar.
"" Chandler said.
"What?" Rachel asked. "Do you know that man?"
"Know him?" Chandler said. "Thats putting it mildly. Thats my father! Stephen Bing!"
"Oh my god!" Rachel said.
"Why don't we go say hello?" Pheobe said oblvious to the duo. Chandler and Rachel walked over to the table. Pheobe sat down. Chandler looked at his father. Phoebes mom looked at her.
"Oh hello Chandler!" She said. "Have you met my new boyfriend?"
"I'd say so." He said. As he said it Stephen turned at looked at him.
"Hello son." He said. He got up and offered his hand. "Long time no see."
"Hi dad." Chandler said.
"Dad?" Both Phoebes said.
"Yeah." Stephen said. "Chandler is my son."
"We haven't met." Rachel said still standing. "Rachel Green."
"Your mom told me about her. Lovely lady." Stephen said kissing Rachels hand. She couldn't help but blush.
"Dad." Chandler said. "Can I see you for a minute? Alone?"
"Sure son." Stephen said and followed Chandler into the bathroom.
Chandler walked around for a second and waited for his father to come in. "I thought you were in Vegas." Chandler said. "And that you well had other uh interests?"
"I did." Stephen said. "For the longest time, and I thought I liked it. But then I came out to New York. I found that I liked hving someone like your mother around. Well not exactly your mother but you get my point." Chandler didnt respond. "Ok." Stephen said and washed his hands. "I met Pheobe, the older one, when I went up to look for a nice beach place. She showed me a nice place. It had a lot of sand. Though thats no real problem cause then I wouldnt have a real excuse to vacuum, right?"
"I was just surprised, thats all." Chandler said.
"Don't think I wasnt!" Stephen said drying his hands.
"Do you like Phoebe?"
"Sure. She has a nice quality I love, none threatening. And shes very cute." Stephen said. "I'm hoping for a second chance with you too Chandler. I havent been around much but I'm hoping we can catch up. Maybe get to know your girlfriend too." He said.
"Okay." Chandler said. "Maybe we can give this a try." He walked to the door. "The girls are waiting. They're likely to think we ran off."
"Right." Stephen said and they two rejoined the girls at dinner.


Chandler picked up the phone when he got back into the house. It had just began to ring.
"Hello?" He said.
"It's ready." The voice said on the other line. "And you can pick it up anytime."
"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He put his jacket back on and headed for the door. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Chandler said and hung up the phone.
"Now what?" Rachel asked.
"I gotta go something." He said. Rachel looked at him suspiciously. "That was Wesley." He lied. "I gotta go help him with something."
"Ok." Rachel said.
"Thanks." Chandler said. He kissed her on the cheek and left. Rachel looked after the door.
"What is with him tonight?" She muttered.
Chandler got out his cell phone. He punched Wesleys number.
"Wes?" He asked. "If Rachel calls you about where I am, tell her you were with me. Why?" He repeated what Wesley said. "You'll see. Just back me up. You'll see." He clicked "end" on the phone and left the building.